Top NewsIowa building collapse latest: Rescue survivor loses leg as two more feared...

Iowa building collapse latest: Rescue survivor loses leg as two more feared trapped in Davenport rubble

Video shows the dramatic effects of a building collapse in Iowa

A resident of a collapsed building in Davenport, Iowa, had his leg amputated by rescuers trying to free him from the rubble.

Lexus Perry and his wife Guanycia were taking photos of the partition between a wall and the bathroom door in their apartment when the building collapsed around 5pm on Sunday. Lexus was able to run to safety, but his wife and their cats were trapped in the wreckage.

Guanitia was rescued Monday morning, but to free her from the wreckage, surgeons and first responders had to amputate her leg above the knee. His wife said he is now recovering in hospital and on a ventilator Quad-Cities Times.

“She had a lot of debris and stuff around her and her legs were pinned down,” Lexus told the store. “They were able to get one leg out, but to get her out, they had to amputate it. It was a scene I’ll never forget. I’ll never forget that image of how she was trapped.”

Two men, Ryan Hitchcock and Brandon Colvin, are believed to be still trapped under the rubble as the city revealed plans to demolish the building due to its fragile condition.

The city of Davenport said Tuesday afternoon that the search was conducted in parts of the building deemed sufficiently secure. While several animals were pulled out, search crews found no human activity in the wreckage.


Andrea Blanco1 June 2023 00:00


WATCH: Ninth person rescued from Iowa building rubble

A ninth person has been rescued from the rubble of an Iowa building

Andrea Blanco31 May 2023 22:38


Iowa officials say ‘computer glitch’ altered inspection log of collapsed Davenport building

When permit records for a collapsed Iowa building were mysteriously changed after the tragedy last weekend, city officials blamed a “computer glitch.”

Skeptical members of the community do not believe this is wrong.

The Independent There is also:

Andrea Blanco31 May 2023 21:24


Iowa officials face a tough decision: put rescue teams at risk to search for missing tenants or risk demolishing victims still trapped inside.

Experts say the structure, built in the 1900s, is too unstable. Officials said due to the building’s layout, with the rear brick section holding most of the steel structure together, there are no voids where trapped victims can take refuge.

Officials said its fragile condition has worsened over time and the possibility of another collapse is imminent.

“We want to get everybody out and we want to do it now,” Mr Morris said through tears at a press conference on Tuesday. “So understand, it’s not that we don’t want to do this … we just have to do it in a safe way.”

Andrea Blanco31 May 2023 20:30


A former tenant describes the problems in the collapsed building

Aurea Monet lived in a studio in the six-story apartment building for about seven months and moved out eight weeks before the block collapsed on Sunday.

Cracks started forming after construction began on the property, he says.

In the video, Ms. Monette says, “They started construction a while ago and at that time I noticed a crack above my shop”.

He says it was “very small at first” but then the crack “progressed while I was there”.

Andrea Blanco31 May 2023 20:00


Cats, snakes and lizards were rescued from the wreckage overnight

The Humane Society of Scott County reports that several animals have been rescued and reunited with their humans.

“We rescued 6 cats, 2 snakes and 1 lizard, all pets reported on our form, that were not in one of the collapsed apartments,” the nonprofit announced Tuesday night. “We have already reunited 4 cats, 2 snakes and a lizard with their owners and the other two will be reunited soon!”

Five tenants are still unaccounted for, at least two of whom are believed to be trapped in the rubble.

Andrea Blanco31 May 2023 19:55


Iowa officials finally admit five residents are still missing

Authorities in Iowa have finally acknowledged that five residents are still missing after a six-story apartment building collapsed — saying there were no credible reports of missing people earlier and planning to demolish it with people still trapped inside. .

Five people are still unaccounted for, including two believed to be still inside the partially collapsed building, Davenport Mayor Mike Mattson said at a press conference Tuesday.

“The Davenport Police Department has been diligent in its pursuit of accountability [residents] of the building,” he said.

“Five people are still unaccounted for and we believe two of them may still be in the building.”

Andrea Blanco31 May 2023 19:30


A building owner named as a defendant in a civil enforcement action

The city has been in contact with building owner Andrew Woldt, Mr Morris said on Tuesday.

Government agencies are coordinating which agency will lead the investigation, but no criminal charges have yet been filed.

Iowa court records reviewed The Independent Mr. Woldt and Davenport Hotels LLC were listed as defendants in a civil enforcement action brought by the city of Davenport on May 30, Wednesday shows show.

Mr Wold was fined $300 for failing to keep the building in a “safe, sanitary and structurally sound condition”. WQAD reports.

Andrea Blanco31 May 2023 19:00


A survivor’s leg was amputated when the building collapsed

Lexus Perry and his wife, Guanitia, tried to escape the slide on Sunday, grabbing their cats and rushing down. But the Lexus managed to make it to safety, leaving Guanitia trapped in the wreckage.

“There was a lot of debris and stuff around her and her legs were pinned down,” Lexus said. Quad-City Times. “They were able to get one leg out, but in order to get her out, they had to amputate it.”

“It was a sight I will never forget. I will never forget that image of her trapped.”

Andrea Blanco31 May 2023 18:28


Shocking photos reveal cracks in an Iowa apartment building before the horror collapse

A resident posted on TikTok that he moved out of an apartment in a building that collapsed a few weeks ago.

The IndependentRachel Sharp also has:

Andrea Blanco31 May 2023 18:05

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